degree of air permeability câu
air permeability
But its air permeability is worse.Chất lượng không khí Hà Nội tồi tệ thêm others by air permeability method (Blaine).Phương pháp thấm ...

This has a permeability similar to Bentonite clay.”Cái này khả năng tựa như người hô hấp đồng dạng." Gas permeability is very low and ...

I feel morally compelled to inform you that there is a degree of pain.Tôi buộc phải cho các bạn biết là có 1 chút đau đớn Dusting off ...

The effort is lower than the 45 degree leg pressHướng dẫn bài tập đạp đùi 45 độ (Leg press 45 degree) Bachelor of music education (as a...

capillary permeability
The drug reduces the increased capillary permeability associated with allergic reactions.Thuốc làm giảm tính thấm mao dẫn tăng lên kết ...

coefficient of permeability
coefficient of permeability of soilHệ số thấm của đất (permeability coeficient of soil) The relation between coefficient of permeabili...

effective permeability
In general, the effective permeability of these ferrites is about 10,000, while the effective permeability of ultrafine grained alloys ...

gas permeability
Gas permeability is very low and similar to that of butyl rubber.Độ thấm khí rất thấp và tương tự như cao su butyl. Gas permeability i...

initial permeability
Initial permeability I (Gs/Oe).Tính thấm ban đầu I (Gs / Oe). The magnet may be in a form having an initial permeability of 0.15 H/m (...

magnetic permeability
These sources become localized responses of permittivity, ε, and magnetic permeability, μ.Những nguồn trở thành phản ứng cục bộ của per...

moisture permeability
Polystyrene molecular structure itself does not absorb water, the front and back of the plate has no gaps and, therefore, very low wate...

normal permeability
In particular, this is regarded as an important mechanism to explain rapid-recovery signals (since the restoration of normal permeabili...

permeability of soil
coefficient of permeability of soilHệ số thấm của đất (permeability coeficient of soil)

permeability range
Typical values of permeability range as high as 100,000 darcys for gravel, to less than 0.01 microdarcy for granite.Giá trị điển hình c...

permeability test
A second permeability test was performed in accordance with ASTM Standard D5084.Thử nghiệm tính thẩm thấu thứ hai được thực hiện theo...

secondary permeability
Granite has poor primary permeability overall, but strong secondary permeability through cracks and fractures if present.Đá granite có ...

steam permeability
For the production of smartphone displays, for example, the permitted amount of steam permeability is a 100,000th of what it is for the...

water permeability
Once the iPhone is completely without connectors, it will significantly increase its water permeability.Và khi iPhone không có thêm cổn...

a certain degree
I'll admit to a certain degree of bias.Tôi phải thừa nhận mình cũng có ưu ái anh ta chút. To a certain degree you should negotiate pun...

a high degree
You must have a spiritual life to a high degree.Bạn phải có một đời sống thuộc linh ở mức độ cao. Tencent has a high degree of respons...

academic degree
An academic degree is different than professional certification.Bằng cấp cao đẳng cũng khác với trình độ chuyên môn. You may find your...

bachelor's degree
No, I don't have my master's, But I have my bachelor's degree.Không, tôi chưa có bằng thạc sĩ, nhưng tôi có bằng cử nhân. I have a bac...

brix degree
In most years, ice wines from Canada generally have higher brix degree (must weight) compared to those from Germany.Hầu hết các năm, va...

celsius degree
One Kelvin degree is equal to one Celsius degree.Một độ chia kelvin bằng cỡ với một độ One kelvin degree is equal to one Celsius degre...

comparative degree
Comparative degree of adjectives;Các dạng so sánh của tính từ (comparison of adjectives); ‘Than’ is used after the comparative degree....